4th Trimester


Reusable Breast Pads
These work great! They are shaped like hearts & no leaking/weird shirt spots. I wash them in a little laundry bag— super easy.
Disposable Pads
I used these when leaving the house essentially. I used reusable ones when I was just at home.
Breastfeeding Pillow
My research helped me figure this out: If you like to sit with your legs “criss-cross applesauce”, you will like the very popular “Boppy”. If you like to sit with your legs straight out, you will like this one. PLUS the way it clips around your back which helps it not move and the little pocket is awesome for chapstick, baby nail file (feeding is optimal time to file baby nails), cream, etc.
Legendairy Milk SupplementsBUNDLE
I think I successfully was able to keep my supply up because of this company. This is the Lactation Support Bundle– I would try this first so you can see which works best for your personal supply. After that you can buy a larger bottle of whichever one works best for you.
(Out of stock on Amazon- Link coming soon)
Legendairy Milk Supplements – Sunflower Lecithin
I personally took one a day in the morning to prevent clogs. Before discovering these, I had clogs often– they are painful and annoying. After taking these, I never had one again.
Hand pump – Haakaa
LIFECHANGING. I think traditional machine pumping is the worst– so complicated and so many parts to clean! Instead, I would put this on one side while feeding from the other first thing in the morning. Then you get a bottle out of it, no wasted leaking milk. My opinion is the 3oz Haakaa works better than the 4oz Haakaa. You have to know how to use it though or you won’t like it. Follow @LegendaryMilk on Instagram & you’ll learn fast all the benefits of this hand pump.
The Kiinde System
We LOVE this! I often pump right into these bags (pump attachment parts included), feed her with these bottles & nipples, and now we make baby food and use the spoon attachment & “snack spout” attachment. Buy this “gift bundle” and you get the whole thing. I recommend getting extra bags and slow flow nipples.
Nipple Shield
I was given one in the hospital by the lactation consultant that helped us. This helped a lot at the beginning, but ultimately I stopped using it bc I read it can decrease supply. BUT at the beginning, you need the relief… probably wouldn’t have made it without this. Obviously get your correct size (see guide in images of listing).
Bed Buddy Heat Pack
So many uses for hot/cold packs but I like this one bc of the handles. So helpful! Also bc it is long, I would wrap it around my whole boob to help solve clots.
Nursing Bras
These are perfect for the hospital under your hospital gown and the early weeks at home. You have coverage, comfort and the snap to open whichever side you need.
Nursing Tank Tops
I wore these as my top with pj bottoms for 90% of the first few weeks of maternity leave. Sometimes I wore them alone, sometimes I wore a nursing bra underneath. Again, great for hospital too.
All-Purpose Balm
I didn’t use traditional nipple balm, I used this from Honest Company :) It works for LOTS of things, but I found for me it worked better than the creams I tried. And it is organic for baby-feeding purposes.
Pumping Bra
If you want to not have to hold your electric pump the whole time & be hands-free, you need this! VERY adjustable & comfortable.
Breast Pump Part Quick Clean Wipes – Medela
These are Hydienic and do the job when you don’t have a sink/dish soap/brushes/etc.

Helpful Items

Yeti Coffee Cup
I couldn’t drink coffee during pregnancy due to heartburn, so I was VERY excited to start drinking it again post-baby. But unless you like constantly cold coffee, you need this.
Yeti Water Bottle
Worth the investment. You get SO thirsty breastfeeding and when sitting there, you can’t get up. Having cold water on hand is a lifesaver.
Belly Bands
I continued to wear these with jeans the first couple of weeks after baby. I had both a navy & white one. Not all brands are equal on these. This brand is worth the price!
Waistband Extender
This little thing works way better than hair-ties — worth the price for the convenience for sure! I bought it post-pregnancy as I was starting to fit back into my jeans, but I wish I had bought it sooner for the beginning of pregnancy.


Witch Hazel Pads
They give you these in the hospital, but I bought another pack for home. These help SO much.
Mom Fridet
Works so much better than the hospital one. Bring this in your hospital bag and use it after at home as well.
Stretch Mark Cream
Smells a little weird but works amazingly well… so you don’t care one bit!